
Pan XY můžete mi věřit nebo ne, ale jak jsem se naučil s monitoringem zacházet, tak výsledky předčili očekávání. Hlavně při snůšce jednodruhových medů, tak před rojením. Dále ní ukazuje všechno, co potřebuji vědět a např. z pracovních důvodů, kdy nemohu stále rozebírat včelstva. Naučil jsem se důvěřovat tomuto zařízení a upozorňuji Vás, že to co monitoring ukazuje je plná pravda. Michal (Česká republika/ Czech republic)
vaši váhu a srdce mám prvním rokem a nechápu jak jsem bez toho mohl být Jan (Česká republika/ Czech republic)
I am really enthusiastic for this stuff, saves time and mainly, saves a lot of stress for the bees. thank you! Claudia (Norway)
Très très bonne idée la notification. Je cours l’essayer. Félicitations pour votre nouveau manuel. Les images sont bien plus instructives que les longues explications. Vous avez fait un gros travail cette année. Bonne journée à vous. Jérome (France)
Mit den beiden Geräten bin ich übrigens sehr zufrieden. Tolles Produkt Falco (Germany)
Dobrý deň vašu váhu aj srdce ula som si zakúpil a neľutujem posunulo mato o 100 rokov ďalej Peter (Slovensko)
yes i see that. Okay i’ll order right away. You’re the best! Randy (Canada)
Once again, wonderful products and even better customer service! Have a good week. 🙂 Lesley (United States)
And by the way – very facinating product you have developed!! Geir (Norway)
Webanwendung mit bestellt und auch schon einen Versuch gemacht Euer Produkt ist Spitze! Andreas (Germany)
Es funktioiniert! Vielen Dank Sie sind erste Klasse. Eine schöne Lösung!!! Rolf (Switzerland)
Hallo einmal, ich habe eine Waage von euch und bin sehr zufrieden. Roland (Austria)
Vielen vielen Dank. Ganz toller Service. Spitzenklasse! Einen schönen Abend noch! Ich bin begeistert. Steffi (Germany)
I didn’t get so far in the manual, it is very well written, well done. I just placed an order for a starter kit, can’t wait to try it Antonella (Germany)
That’s it, I paid for it. I will really look forward to the new scales. I really like them 🙂 Dmitry (Russia)
By the way your Xu scale and heart are excellent and working well Thompson (Australia)
also i already have scales from you. and i’m pleased about them Alin (Romania)
Čo sa týka knihy, je to najlepšie, čo som o včelách čítal. Jednoducho, zrozumiteľne, zachytené všetko podstatné… Keď som čítal úryvky z netu, doslova som ju pred deťmi “odspieval”. A tak, kým som sa rozhýbal ku kúpe, dali mi ju ako dar. A už len odporúčam všetkým známym okolo včiel. Prajem všetko dobré, pokoj, radosť zo života a úspešnú sezónu. Peter (Slovensko)
Veľmi nás s manželom tieto websemináre obohacujú. pozdravujeme prednášajúceho, páči sa nám tento spôsob Zuzana (Slovensko)
Es gibt in Teilen andere Systeme, aber kein besseres Peter (Germany)
Hi I have installed my pyramid and all seems to be working OK – quite impressive! Rob (United Kingdom)
Vielen Dank! Auf dem Monitor sieht man die Anzeigen wunderbar!!  Ralf (Germany)
Danke, sie auch und vielen Dank für den tollen Service. Good job!!!!! Markus (Germany)
I have to say, I think your hive heart saved one of my hives this winter. We had sub-zero fahrenheit temperatures this winter and I got a warning. We put more insulation around the hive and their inside temperature rose. Thank you! Lesley (United States)
You are such a brilliant company and you in particular are a real asset. As I said I will be recommending you more. I am the secretary of our locall beekeepers association so i can reach alot of beekeepers. Have a graet weekend. Terry (United Kingdom)
Danke für die Hilfe Sie sind die Beste Eckart (Germany)
Zdravím, práve som dočítal Vašu knižku Čo včelári nevedeli 1. Je skvelá. Som začínajúci včelár Rišo (Slovensko)
really good client service, this online chat works perfect. I am glad that i can throw my arnia scales in the bin, had to wait at least a week for answers. Jef (Belgium)
Vaša včelárska kniha je napínavé a veľmi poučné čítanie pre mňa začiatočníčku. Ďakujem. Anna (Slovensko)
Super, to me tesi, ze jsou u vas lidi kteri mysli i dale nez jenom ke spicce nosu. Uz to mam v mobilu tez. Super suport!!! Diky Ronald (Germany)
At first i want to sai that i’m a big fan at your products, and i was always very satisfied with the products and the service! As a technically in-interest beekeeper and the child in me are thrilled. Alto (Germany)
Toller Service – Samstagabend und direkt gut beraten worden. 20:35. Adrian (Germany)
Perfect – this is really a super useful tool – if it can actually show that there are no swarms (in our experimental hive) it will certainly be amazing! James (United Kingdom)
I got my delivery from You, GSM solar module, scale and 5 hearts. Everything works fine, even though it is not in the hives yet. Thanks a lot on express delivery. Željko (Croatia)
hi I finally managed to connect the gsm module. the connection has been running since this morning. Many thanks for the good support Steffen (Germany)
Bonjour, j’ai acheté une balance XS, j’en suis très content. Bonnafous (France)
Ansonsten möchte ich mich bedanken, bin sehr zufrienden mit der Waage! Frank (Germany)
I am happy to tell you that I present to. A team of 100 beekeepers your products and will amazed so maybe you will see more orders from Greece !!! John (Greece)
thanks I will contact you if I need…Thanks anyway for your support and patience with a “novice” Michel (Belgium)
Scales are working well Thanks Paul (Australia)
děkuju moc za servis a spolupráci 🙂 … ještě uvažuju o úlové váze, ať to mám kompletní 🙂 … budu dále doporučovat 🙂 Michal (Czech)
Vom Service einfach die Besten !!! Nur zu empfehlen Michael (Germany)
These are fantastic! I’ve had the hearts in all my hives for a couple of years now and have scales under a couple of hives. The data is really amazing to look at and tells you so much. You can monitor temperature inside and outside the hive, and humidity. Great for seeing if the hive has enough ventilation. Great to see when the queen starts laying again in the spring (consistent internal hive temperature 35deg day and night) or seeing if a hive has become brood less for some reason or when low amount of brood during winter (fluctuating temperature) . Weight shows honey storage. Drops in weight can show robbing or swarming has taken place. Noise frequency monitoring can provide swarming warnings and queenless warnings. I love these! Cara (Australia)
to sem rad 🙂 jeste jednou diky a mejte a mate cely podnikatelsky koncept moc pekne vymysleny 🙂 fandim vam. Pavel (Česko)
Avevo fatto lo scanner del QR e mi aveva installato L app gialla Grazie mille signora !!!! Molto gentile !!!! Igor (Italy)
wow, thanks for this good explaination Eric (Germany)
Danke für den super Support. Vielen vielen Dank Michael (Germany)
Just to say thanks for sorting the gsm hub data out. I can see signal and battery strength. Thanks Kevin (United Kingdom)
Thank you very much. That was easy! Thank you for the perfect service! Werner (Germany)
wie immer: super! Vielen Dank. Ich bin bisher sehr zufrieden mit den Waagen. Das ist ein super System! Jan (Germany)
Hallo Stanke, Eure Waage und das Herz funktionieren hervorragend. Bin sehr zufrieden. Ich wünsche alles Gute für das Neue Jahr Burkhard (Germany)
Podobne aj Vám, držím palce – máte super projekt, som z toho veľmi nadšený 🙂 Michal (Slovensko)
S Vahou som veľmi spokojny je super Matej (Slovensko)
wow.. First time I have got a christmas gift from a web shop 🙂 I am grateful 🙂 Thanks alot Martin (Norway)
I place the order for the book now. Thank you so much for your support! For now I am really happy because everything worked without problems (plug and play :)) See you! And merry Christmas for you and your family 🙂 Peter (Austria)
Toller Service! Schönes Wochenende Altmann (Germany)
just seen the data graphed for the first time. Amazingly good. I will definitely be investing in more of your products in the new year. Thank you for the superb service Daly (United Kingdom)
I am so impressed with you chat response and quick posting. I am really looking forward to getting and using the kit. I have a good feeling your kit will be equally good. I will be mentioning your support and postage response with my thoughts on your kit in the various facebook bee keeping groups I belong to. Ian (United Kingdom)
Super, vielen Dank! Perfekter Support und alle schön gesund bleiben. Daniel (Germany)
Bonjour, Je viens de recevoir les batteries, je vous remercie infiniment. Cordialement et encore merci de votre professionnalisme et votre gentillesse. Stephane (France)
Fantastici, i miei complimenti, sono molto soddisfatto dell’acquisto e della vostra organizzazione Guido (Italy)
ok 🙂 thank you very much again. I’m very exited about your scales and very happy to have them. Thanks for the great support. I just want to learn to handle it right. Have a nice evening. Bye Marius (Germany)
Ok thank you for today It’s amazing service Bye Krim (Sweden)
Dickes Lob, ganz tolles Produkt!!! Alexander (Austria)

Danke! Schönen Abend! Die Waage ist übrigens wirklich super! Bin bis jetzt sehr zufrieden ☺️

Nora (Austria)

Ok perfect

I like the quality so far

nice work 🙂

Michael (Germany)

Thank you very much you are great! have a nice evening 🙂

Jacob (Germany)

Perfect. Thank you. I love your products and the hive heart has made my beekeeping so much easier!

Travis (USA)

Guten Morgen, Die Bestellung ist angekommen und ich bin jetzt schon begeistert! Vielen Dank!

Beste Grüße

Klaus (Germany)

Hallo eure Waagen und euer Programm sind sehr sehr super!!! Ich bin immer wieder fasziniert von euren Produkten!!! Vielen Dank!!! Wie lange ist denn eure Lieferzeit? Ich hatte Ende März noch eine Waage bestellt und kann es kaum erwarten diese hier zu benutzen!

Das ist prima! Vielen Dank! Ihr habt ein sehr cooles Konzept entwickelt!!! Ich werde bestimmt irgendwann wieder bestellen!!!


I am very happy with the hive scale and gateway.

Dávid (Romania)

Blanc09:36 Thanks Keep doing what you are doing , it helps a lot the community 😉 Have a great weekend
I love what you have created, and can’t wait to have it in some hives. Every best wish. I am preparing a Bee business together with a partner and my son and would like to include your product portfolio as part of it. I will setup a call with you both once all this virus stuff dies back some. Thanks again. Jim (Ireland)
I would like to transfer the data in from my iphone to Excel in my PC is this possible?  YES it is possible. Love your product. Thank you Hans (Canada)
Wow, i am so impressed. You are amazing!!! Randy (Canada)
I see. Okay thanks you very much. I will purchase it in the spring. I have a hive heart now and love it. Great data. Gives me peace of mind during winter. Travis (USA)
Thank you for sending the replacement GSM Module. It works wonderfully. Your service has been brilliant. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Alan (United Kingdom)
Super danke. Wirklich tolle Waage und Herz habt ihr. Bin seid dem Frühling komplett zufrieden damit. Eine gewisse Zeit zurück scrollen wäre top. Zum Beispiel im 1 Wochen Bild 2 Monate zurück scrollen. Sonst top. Schönen Abend. Martin (German)
You are very good and i like your job. Thanks a lot. David (France)
This looks amazing.  i’m very impressed. Charlie (United Kingdom)
I really like your equipment. It completely suits me Domitry (Russia)

I just wanted to say thank you for the incredible work you all are doing to help save our honey bees! Alyssa (United States)
We did get proved wrong nub one of the hearts yesterday. One of the hives we put them in we were sure was queen less I’ve been keeping bees for 20 years so i know the signs. Or at least i thought i did. The heart said there was a queen so we let it go until yesterday when I checked there’s a queen. Really impressed. Really disappointed in myself. Hey thank you again Russ (United Kingdom)
Ok už mám jedno srdce do ula som veľmi spokojný Matúš (Slovakia)
Thank you very much, its working. You have realy great products and excelent service. Have a nice day! Stojan (Germany)
Stanka, works perfectly. Great support. Thank you. Vincent (Ireland)
Thanks. Very interested in your solution! Marie (Ireland)
Dobrý deň. Som Rado z Dolného Kubina. Chovám 40vcelstiev a zaujal ma vás produkt. Dostal som informácie aj od kamoša, ktorému vás produkt funguje perfektne. Co by mi bolo na začiatok treba. Chcel by som vyskúšať v piatych rodinách, kým sa naučím pracovať s aplikáciou.S pozdravom Radoslav
Jinak musím pochváli Váš systém. Jedno stanoviště hlásilo před 10-ti dny rojení, což se mi zdálo v tuto dobu nemožné, navíc jsem 520 m nad mořem. Skutečně jsem našel naražený matečník, trubci ovšem nikde. Tak jsem to spojil. Skutečně dobré. Na podzim, to zřejmě dám do všech včelstev. Musím na srdíčka dát dohromady peníze Petr (Czech)
Dnes mi dorazilo srdce úlu a funguje parádně. Leoš (Czech)
More and more friends are ordering, great product you have! Yves (France)
thanks al lot Stanka, you are still very helpfull to me Djelloul (France)
I just ordered 2 hive hearts for my 2 scales. your products are top! Philippe (Sweiz)
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