milujeme včely
Prvým krokom k tomu, aby ste sa stali úspešným včelárom, je naučiť sa čo najviac o včelách samotných. Vzhľadom na všetky premenné, ktoré môžu ovplyvniť vaše včely, môžete vidieť niečo iné zakaždým, keď sa dostanete do svojho úľa. Aby mohli včelári prijímať vhodné manažérske rozhodnutia, musia byť flexibilní vo svojej schopnosti zistiť, prečo sa včely správajú určitým spôsobom a ako môžu určité činnosti ovplyvniť ich zdravie.
Zoznámte sa s naším zanieteným tímom profesionálov v oblasti výroby monitoringu
Support on ONLINE chat
Hi, my name is Chris. If you have any questions about sales or something technical, write me on our online chat on the right bottom corner on our eshop. I will make everything to help you.
Marketing and Sales
My task is to promote the work of beekeepers and raise awareness about the life of bees and their role in nature. Every day I receive many questions from professional beekeepers, but also from ordinary people, and I try to answer these questions every day. It is very important that the public learns as much as possible about the life of bees and their importance to our ecosystems. Our organization monitors tens of thousands of bee colonies around the world, and from the measured data we create models that increase their chances of survival.
CEO & Beekeeper
My name is Peter Kočalka and I am a professional beekeeper. However, I am not just an ordinary commercial beekeeper, I am interested in organic beekeeping and I always need to understand their behavior. Not only do thousands of people already support my approach, but I have developed procedures for bee care and monitoring, which not only helps beekeepers, but also serves to collect scientific data.